Subj : Re: some people are so cr To : All From : Blove Date : Wed Feb 04 2004 03:14 pm its not all the lfs store guys fault, the guy should have done research before buying the fish. and in this one case this guy wanted to buy a betta to put in with his oscars, i told him the betta is only aggressive to his own kind and would be brutily killed by the oscars, the guy bought the betta anyways. you can lead a person to knowledge but you cant make the moron think. "Lookn4nemo" wrote in message > > "Trina" wrote in message > > > Trying to figure out whether this person is ignorant, stupid, cruel or > > all 3... > > > > > > > > Trina :) > > Yukon, Canada > > 44gal/tall/pent/fresh > > 10gal/planted/fresh > > It kinda sounds like his LFS rep is the idiot in this case. I had a similar > problem but was smart enough to take my questions to the groups. I too > tried to put Oscars and Cichlids in the same tank. The smaller cichlids > tried to make a meal of the slightly larger Oscars. My LFS said they would > be fine together because an Oscar is a Cichlid. Lucky for my Oscars I had a > spare 20 gallon tank already set up (had just moved piranhas from it to a > 55). So now my son has the Cichlids in his room and the Oscars have since > been moved to a 75 gallon tank. In a couple months they will graduate to > the new 125 I am buying and the Piranhas will get the 75. If I'd have taken > the advice of my LFS I'd probably have just two Piranhas left. But thanks > to the groups I have two Piranhas, three Oscars and 10 African Cichlids. > > --- þ RIMEGate(tm)/RGXPost V1.14 at BBSWORLD * --- * RIMEGate(tm)V10.2áÿ* RelayNet(tm) NNTP Gateway * MoonDog BBS * RgateImp.MoonDog.BBS at 2/4/04 3:14:22 PM * Origin: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn,NY, 718 692-2498, 1:278/230 (1:278/230) .