Subj : Re: New Aquarium Question To : All From : Rick Date : Thu Jun 10 2004 11:56 am "Hamlet" wrote in message > I'm setting up a new tank (my first, except for one I had as a kid 15 > years ago) and I had a few questions. Some details: > > Tank is a 40 gallon breeder (36in X 18in X 16in) > Filter is a Penguin 330 (two wheels for bio-filter) > 150 Watt Heater > basic 25 watt flourescent light > > > My plan (such that it is): > > declorinate the water > get temp to 78F > do tests for PH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates > forget the test for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. At this point at initial set up you have nothing in the water that should cause that to register. > Assuming nothing bad shows up in the tests, > > start with 5 platies of various colors (following cycling instructions > from The Simple Guide to Fresh Water Aquariums) > > later add 3 swordtails (1M 2F) of various colors > > later add 4-6 cories of various types > > possibly make additions based on load feedback and suggestions from > this group. > many people cycling a tank using fish will buy inexpensive livebearers to do so. They are not the best choice if you plan to keep them and you will no doubt loose some to ammonia and or nitrite spikes during the cycling process. > Questions: > > 1. Why is my tank called a 40 gallon when it holds 45 gallons? no idea, it is a 45 gallon tank > 2. Is my filter adequate? I could add another if neccessary. filter in MHO is adequate for you planned fish load. > 3. Will the aeration of the filter(s) be enough, or do I need to > supplement it? It keeps the water at the top moving pretty good. The > book suggests skipping the whole pump/airstone area for simplicity. aeration should be fine > 4. Cories are schooling fish. How many should I get to keep them > happy? Is it ok to mix them a little for variety? I have 15 different varieties of Corydoras and they all get along fine. I would add them after the tank has cycled. > 5. Real plants are pretty much out unless I upgrade the light, > correct? Would Java Fern be ok or should I just go with plastic > plants? > you should be able to grown Java Ferns and annubias plants with your low light > My interest is to have the platies and swordtails breed a little, but > not overwhelm me with fish. I understand that the fish will eat the > fry, so I'm planning on leaving the fry in the main tank. I will give > them lots of cover (probably plastic) to hide in, hoping that a few > will reach adulthood. Does this make sense? any suggestions? > > Am I forgeting anything vital? don't forget that ever though the parents will eat the fry some will always survive. They will have more fry every 28 to 30 days and if only 2 or 3 survive out of each dropping from each female then you do the math. You will very quickly have more fish that you can imagine. Livebearers should be kept with one male to 3 females otherwise the males will stress the females too much which can and does lead to disease like Ich. Good luck. Rick --- þ RIMEGate(tm)/RGXPost V1.14 at BBSWORLD * --- * RIMEGate(tm)V10.2áÿ* RelayNet(tm) NNTP Gateway * MoonDog BBS * RgateImp.MoonDog.BBS at 6/10/04 10:56:41 AM * Origin: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn,NY, 718 692-2498, 1:278/230 (1:278/230) .