Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Dumas Walker From : Jas Hud Date : Mon May 09 2022 06:56 am |03Quoting message from |11Dumas Walker |03to |11T.J. Mcmillen |03on |1105 May 22 16:40:00|03. > DW> Synchronet. It is open source, you don't have to be a programmer to DW> chang > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > Menu Editor :) ANSI files .... the rest is just there for bells and whistle > to do what you want. I highly doubt anyone would think of themselves a > programmer to use Mystic. DW> DW> It would not matter if they were or not because it is not open source. DW> DW> Mike what do you mean there? .... The Results of your IQ test came back. They're negative. --- Renegade v1.30/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .