Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Nick Andre From : Jas Hud Date : Mon May 09 2022 12:42 pm NA> NA> I asked you politely in Metronet to provide for me a link to your software NA> code or accomplishments so I can move past your frequent bravado and focus NA> your actual technical skillset. You moved goalposts and resulted to insult NA> and that we should all just "know" who you are. If you contributed as much NA> you say you have, something somewhere would have this on record. NA> i just don't play along. i know you are in your own little fishbowl and that's okay. i've been a part of bbsing on the internet for over 20 years. i'm not here to educate you. i don't know much about you either. all i know is you run an old version of renegade and you make a software a handful of people use. do you actually want me to post my technical skillset? i'm basically retired. i'm through messing with mysql, perl, php, javascript, linux, and windows and building networks. in the bbs world i ran sites (for over 10 years) that almost everyone benefitted from. and i asked nothing in return. i helped tons of people that arent around anymore, too. i'm about enjoying life and not sorry. NA> returns no results, so it NA> appears that you were never even a nodelisted Fidonet Sysop (despite your NA> claims you've helped many set this up) NA> that's wrong, then. i was nodelisted and i was on there for many years after i pulled the plug on it. it looks like they merged it with bryan's shit. i also here but the info is wrong here so that's 2 entries that your website is wrong about. probably more mistakes but who cares. --- Renegade v1.30/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .