Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Jas Hud From : Kurt Weiske Date : Mon May 09 2022 07:20 am -=> Jas Hud wrote to Nick Andre <=- JH> I have a good eye for people, but really to hire someone you just need JH> to look at their work history and not be too picky. if someone is of a JH> decent age and they only work at a place 1-2 years something is JH> certainly up. I don't look to harshly at 1-2 year stints, especially in tech. There's a lot of possibility for upward mobility there. It certainly merits a deeper dive to make sure that there aren't personality issues driving the movement. I had one boss neg me on a "director/manager" role, they wanted to sell the director role and pay for a manager. He commented that I'd "moved around a lot" when I had spent 2 years at my last job, 2 years before that, and 4 year before that. I saw his resume after he'd left, and he hadn't lasted a year at his last 3 gigs. I'm *sure* he had a reason, though. .... Not building a wall but making a brick --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52 * Origin: | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700) .