Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Dan Clough From : Jas Hud Date : Tue May 10 2022 10:37 am |03Quoting message from |11Dan Clough |03to |11Jas Hud |03on |1110 May 22 07:31:00|03. -=> Jas Hud wrote to Dan Clough <=- DC> DC> DC> JH> in the bbs world i ran sites (for over 10 years) that almost DC> DC> JH> everyone benefitted from. and i asked nothing in return. i DC> DC> JH> helped tons of people that arent around anymore, too. DC> DC> DC> What "sites" were those, that helped "almost everyone"? It's a simpl DC> DC> question. DC> DC> JH> boy you are ignorant. you are probably a member of some of them. DC> JH> if i cared enough i'd go look through my table backups DC> DC> As I said, it was a simple question. And yet, you still failed. sorry gamgee. i dont feed the trolls! DC> JH> that's actually wrong. my feed was some old dude that i could DC> JH> never get into contact with. i never got a feed from him. DC> JH> i did have a feed in the late 90s though. DC> DC> The site is accurate for my listing(s), and everyone else's that I've DC> ever tried to look at. Why is it wrong for yours? DC> DC> That's right. It's not wrong. You're just lying. you're so full of shit your eyes are brown. you didn't even look DC> The "burden" is not on me to prove they are correct. Bottom line is DC> there is no record of you being a Fidonet sysop. Simple fact. DC> i just showed 2 urls, gamgee. DC> Because.... when asked to back up your claims, you NEVER respond in a DC> way that answers the question. You spout stupidity and have nothing to DC> prove any of your claims. You're a laughingstock, troll-boi. DC> gamgee. come on. tell me how i hurt you. why is your ass bleeding. i dont know you but you've always acted like you knew me and always tried to pick a fight and i wouldn't bite. come on gamgee. let it out. .... Sometimes the depths of your ignorance amazes even me. --- Renegade v1.30/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .