Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Jas Hud From : Dan Clough Date : Tue May 10 2022 03:04 pm -=> Jas Hud wrote to Dan Clough <=- DC> JH> i just showed 2 urls, gamgee. DC> Yep, and *ONE* of them showed you listed in Fidonet for 40 days. Facts. JH> you are referencing the one system where i couldn't get ahold of JH> my feed and applying it to the other one in 2007 where i had a JH> fidonet feed for quite a while. If you couldn't get ahold of your feed, how'd you get a feed? Here is the result of searching Jason Hud on the nodelist search: Search by sysop name Enter sysop name: 1:11/228 Jason Hud from Racine WI 2007.01.12 - 2007.02.23 1:124/7013 Bryan Turner-Jason Hud from Garland TX 2007.01.19 - 2012.10.24 So, like I already said, it shows you listed for about 40 days. That other entry, I don't know about. Is 'Bryan Turner' your butt-buddy and you were a "co-sysop" (which means you're a nothing)? Did you live in Garland TX? Doubt it. For some reason you got that dude to include your name on his nodelist entry? Now come back and show me some other result from the node search. The above is all there is. You're a poser, and a liar. .... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever. === MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115) .