Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : T.J. Mcmillen From : Jas Hud Date : Tue May 10 2022 06:43 pm |03Quoting message from |11T.J. Mcmillen |03to |11Jas Hud |03on |1110 May 22 17:36|03. JH> if you want to talk about the original conversation, whats wrong with payi JH> for something and having the author drop it. did you buy a subscription? JH> you expect someone to kiss your ass because you paid a few bucks? TM> TM> Nick did buy it ... then he donated it to me after he wasn't using it. I TM> lucky enough to get ahold of the author and gave him Nick's key and he sen TM> one in my name. are you sure that was the author and just not a dude handling registrations? i think that's what was happening with that. it's been so long so can't remember. i dont want to untar my webs and look. .... And then you typed 'G=C800:5', right? --- Renegade v1.30/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .