Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Nick Andre From : Jas Hud Date : Wed May 11 2022 05:28 am |03Quoting message from |11Nick Andre |03to |11Jas Hud |03on |1110 May 22 19:18:09|03. NA> On 10 May 22 18:33:20, Jas Hud said the following to Nick Andre: NA> JH> For instance you are using the version of renegade i JH> convinced hex luthor to release. patrick trans did screw him over about s JH> hardware so it wasnt that hard. NA> NA> And I should care about this why....? NA> JH> my reg on my main bbs says JH> martin nickell JH> starfleet command bbs JH> JH> no idea where i picked that up NA> NA> Thats a common pirated key. I've seen it many times over the years. oh i think reaper had it and it got cloned over some how. there's no reason to really even use a pirated key with irex though. .... Support your SysOp... Send your paycheck. --- Renegade v1.30/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .