Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Jas Hud From : Jas Hud Date : Wed May 11 2022 10:45 am |03Quoting message from |11Jas Hud |03to |11Nick Andre |03on |1111 May 22 09:24|03. NA> NA> Its somewhat "rare" to get a RIN listing. Doesn't matter if your info was NA> written down wrong. There was a reason you couldn't be listed in the corre NA> net in your region. It doesn't matter now but "wrote down wrong" is the mo NA> hilarious excuse I've read all morning. JH> JH> JH> i'm region 11 and i responded to the guy who contacted me. JH> we had a few phone calls and nothing came of it except this invalid entry. JH> JH> what would have been the correct net in my region? oh, one thing i remember is i was talking to janus and i said i might be interested in getting on fidonet. she said she'd have someone in my region call me. that's how i got the call from mr magoo. .... The living world is a continuum in each and every aspect. --- Renegade v1.30/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .