Subj : Re: BBS'ing To : Nick Andre From : Zero Reader Date : Fri Jun 03 2022 02:46 pm On 03 Jun 2022, Nick Andre said the following... NA> TBBS I think was the only software in the world that needed a freaking NA> compiler whenever you wrote menus, but you had a nice VHS instructional NA> video. I want to check out TBBS sometimes. It sounds intriguing -- and VHS instructional videos? Way ahead of its time! I still have my PCBoard soft-bound printed manuals (Sysop guide and PPLC manual) on my bookshelf! -ZR (Andrew Haworth) .... There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/26 (Linux/64) * Origin: / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC (1:123/525) .