Subj : BBS'ing To : Nick Andre From : Daniel Path Date : Sat Jun 04 2022 10:00 pm Hello Nick, 03 Jun 22 18:15, you wrote to me: NA> On 03 Jun 22 22:09:22, Daniel Path said the following to Nick Andre: DP> NA>> I know theres some Max diehards out there... for a good DP> NA>> reason, that software apparently was a dream to run on OS/2. DP>> DP>> you're right. it was very good on DOS, but when i switched to OS/2 DP>> it was a whole new world opening :) NA> The ones who had the Max/Squish/Binkleyterm combo were *diehards*. NA> Those guys swore by it, never at it. i had binkleyterm in the first 1-2 years, but at a point i switched to Xenia, i think it was when i transferred all my stuff to OS/2 and some issues occured with Binkley.. Regards, -- dp -=>> telnet:// <<=- .... 11:44pm up 19 days, 9:30:48, load: 74 processes, 276 threads. --- GoldED/2 * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY +36-1-4454412 (2:371/52) .