Subj : Re: renegade bbs To : Jas Hud From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Sun Oct 30 2022 06:27 pm JH> You're the one going around pulling bullshit. How, by you unzipping and rezipping Renegade and saying you made a better archive? JH> You are not the owner of renegade. Cott Lang is. nobody else. I was talking to Cott on Linkedin the other day, and he had no problem with me and Renegade. I don't see why you are so butt hurt. JH> You didnt buy renegade. Just because renegade passed through a string of Wow, look folks, he got one right. I DIDN'T buy Renegade. Because I was the one asshole that after everyone else GAVE UP on it, went and looked to see if I could get Patrick to add a toggles menu to the logon, and he gave me the code to keep it alive. Cut 3 years later when Jeff had a hissy fit like a little girl and released the y2k source because he was mad Renegade was being worked on. Yeah, you know what happened. JH> Anybody that knows anything about renegade knows that except for the y2k f JH> by Jeff Herrings, subsequent changes to renegade have been detrimental and JH> overall disliked by renegade bbs sysops. Nick was the only one (until you tried to jump on his band wagon about this, and he called you an asshole). He has what he wanted, and he keeps to himself with it. I continue on. No one else voiced any opinions as such over the last 20 years to me. Most of the utils you are crying over is not INTERNAL to Renegade and editable (like 99% of the strings), so you can make it look/act however you want. But you never were the one that wanted to take the easy way ... always trying to play on other people's work with making a "cool batch file" or "rezipping an archive because you think it's better to have doors installed" ... You don't even post from your OWN board. If you love Rob that much, stay on Dovenet and leave the rest of the world out of this. JH> You think you can rewrite history by fucking with wikipedia and telling li JH> to everyone, but it won't work because I'm here. I don't see what's a lie on wikipedia. Just facts from 2003 until now. JH> to everyone, but it won't work because I'm here. Most wish you weren't. But I like you .... a lot. .... Even after fusion, confusion remains. --- Renegade v1.31/Exp * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .