Subj : Re: FTelnet Y-Modem G To : Ryan Fantus From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Fri Dec 09 2022 09:24 pm RF> So I've stayed out of the conversation til now but feel compelled to respo RF> bit here. I don't use Synchronet /or/ Renegade and don't have a dog in thi RF> specific fight, but...where's the history file? A comprehensive whatsnew o RF> what differentiates one version to the next? Unless you're a Renegade dieh RF> I don't see many people walking up and looking at RG as an option without RF> understanding what's happening with each release. It's pretty black box. J RF> my $.02. It's in every update archive. RF> you're talking to jas, but you're posting on a forum with other people, an I'm just talking to a jackhole that doesn't know when to shut his mouth (Jas, not you) .... if you ever saw that crap before you understand. .... Discoveries are made by not following instructions, --- Renegade v1.31/Exp * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .