Subj : Re: FTelnet Y-Modem G To : Ryan Fantus From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Sat Dec 10 2022 08:20 am RF> Ok, so, I went on and I see no history or changelog. I see some RF> downloads so I snag the 1.30 full install. I unzip it. There is no history RF> changelog. I install it. I see no history or changelog. In RGV130.DOC ther RF> mention of a WHATDONE file which I can't find anywhere. The change log is in the UPDATE archives. No need to put a whatdone in a new full install. Who would care what was done when they are "new". I used to have it as a running list, but it got WAYYY to long, so I just put the change from last ver to this ver in each update log. You can also see what has changed since 1.30 over here on my main menu for the next up coming release. .... It's a Satanic drug thing - You WOULDN'T understand... --- Renegade v1.31/Exp * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .