Subj : Re: BBS Software Timeout Values To : Sean Dennis From : Jas Hud Date : Mon Apr 10 2023 06:29 am To: Sean Dennis Re: Re: BBS Software Timeout Values By: Sean Dennis to Jas Hud on Sun Apr 09 2023 08:18 pm > -=> Jas Hud wrote to Dennis Scott <=- > > JH> not only can we not get people to pay for subscriptions for our bbses, > JH> over the years i have seen systems that were not successful in doing > JH> cash prizes and other gifts to get users to call. > > Like how nearly every MBBS system in the 90s charged a subscription because > the software was so expensive? > well when i was writing that i'm talking about the telnet age, not dialup age. during the dialup years, i did subscribe to some of those and it was because they provided internet access when it was crummy in my area. .