Subj : Re: BBS Software Timeout Values To : Rob Swindell From : Dan Clough Date : Mon Apr 10 2023 01:55 pm -=> Rob Swindell wrote to Dan Clough <=- RS> Re: Re: BBS Software Timeout Values RS> By: Dan Clough to Nick Andre on Mon Apr 10 2023 12:12 pm > NA> Same with TBBS... You bought the license but needed the serial > NA> board for anything beyond 2 nodes. Then Fidonet was an add-on. > NA> Remote access was an add-on... I mean, any BBS that came with a > NA> freaking VHS installation video you just knew was going to be a > NA> bit out of your league. > > NA> > Wow. How cool is that. I watched the whole video... Hahaha, the > professionalism of the presentation is awesome. What a different time! RS> I actually started to create a similar video for Synchronet RS> sysops around 1994 (I thought it was an original idea) and had RS> the video camera for (screen capture/recording wasn't really a RS> thing yet), high-end duplication quality SVHS VCR, script, etc, RS> but never really got around to finishing it before the sales RS> started to obviously slow down in 1995. Wish I had finished it. RS> :-( Too bad, would have liked to have seen it. If you have even a start of it, maybe convert if possible and upload to the YouTube channel? Might look good next to the Blimp video. :-) .... "He who is without oil, shall cast the first rod."-Compressions 8.7:1. === MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115) .