Subj : Re: Renegade BBS XFer Prots To : T.J. Mcmillen From : Jas Hud Date : Sat Mar 02 2024 05:11 pm To: T.J. Mcmillen Re: Re: Renegade BBS XFer Prots By: T.J. Mcmillen to Dave Vandermeer on Sat Mar 02 2024 01:46 pm > Dude, I have no idea what you are doing or what version you are running. > That is a great start for help. Secondly, PDZ-Modem comes installed within > Renegade so there is no need to fuck with it since like v1.10. Get up to > v1.30 atleast or v1.33. The only trouble I've had with PDZmodem is on files > around 20GB in uploading, which in that turn, it was eaiser for the sender > to send me a weblink to download it from. The program was not made to > handle > that HUGE of a file. > > All config and everything, including the file is setup and ready to go in > Renegade and the PDZmodem files come with it. Along with NetFOSS and > Net2BBS. > he might be using dosbox to run it. a bunch of dudes put guides up about running bbses on dosbox. that would make the xfers shitty. .