Subj : BBS Documentary To : JANIS KRACHT From : Daryl Stout Date : Thu Jul 02 2015 11:21 am Janis, JK>when I first started programming. I can write a batchfile for the BBS, but my programming ENDS at setting the clock on the microwave oven. JK>> Or the tagline "Not tonight, dear...I have a BBS". JK>LOL! I thought "having a BBS" was a better fit for the tagline than a "modem" or a "router". The last time I checked the Dial-Up BBS List (which is done quarterly by Dave Perussel, along with his monthly Telnet BBS Guide), there were less than 50 dial-up BBS's left. Unfortunately, the number of telnet/web BBS's is shrinking as well. :( JK>Understand.. and one can't always help what kind of weather hits you where y JK>live. What was the name of that software you use to block the port sniffers?? I forgot to ask you that in the last message...guess Sysop Senility is setting in. :P JK>That's too bad, I suppose if no one complains they'll just leave it as is. I JK>hear not that many people use "phone companies" much anymore, since companie JK>like magicjack came out..... I've got 2 MagicJack the "original" (for Voice Mail), and the other the "Plus" (for faxes). But, I had to turn the ringers OFF on all the phones, and even the answering machine, letting MagicJack take the voice I was getting calls at all hours...even in the dead of night. When I switch software, I'll still have telnet/web access, but dial-up is out of the question, because I doubt that I could get MagicJack to work with the modem...even if it's a USR v.90 56 external fax modem. JK>Sounds good. I can always use more FileGate HUBs so let me know if you'd li JK>to do that when you are all set. The only fly in the ointment is downtimes for thunderstorms or internet outages...both of those are beyond my control. I've seen storms pop up in as little as 10-20 minutes...and in some cases, becoming tornadic that quick. So, if I have to be out on errands, and there's a chance of storms, I take the system offline. The same is true overnight, when I have to sleep. I don't want one renegade lightning strike frying everything. JK>HUBs are expected to have the files "online" where people can get them via t JK>web, ftp, or binkp (some or all of those methods). Some HUBs can only ma JK>them available via tick technology, some can run web servers, etc. I have JK>several HUBs listed in the filegate.zxx file (in the HUBs section). It just JK>helps take the load off my system when someone wants to start distributing f JK>archives :) By having the web interface from VADV32 in the new setup with Synchronet, to me, I'll get "the best of both worlds". I got a new router with more ports, but haven't had time to set it up yet. I know SBBS does offer anonymous FTP, and I'd have to redo the access levels under VADV32 to allow them in the file areas from the website. There would be a few file areas that would not be available to those who aren't users...such as those for Visiting Sysops. The message areas would be limited to LOCAL, read only areas, for those not logged on. I don't know how the nodelist would handle it...but to me, the main BBS software (when the change is done) will be Synchronet...however, I like VADV32's web interface better. Daryl --- þ OLX 1.53 þ 3 things fail with age. Memory is 1st; forgot the other 2 --- Virtual Advanced Ver 2 for DOS * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS (1:19/33) .