Subj : Software Issues To : MARK LEWIS From : Daryl Stout Date : Thu Jul 09 2015 12:50 pm Mark, ML>you need to be more specific about this... we have no problems running doors ML>over here that look in the node directories for the drop files... there's no ML>real special majic to it... maybe some .bat file variables being used but ML>generally speaking, the doors that are worth running have no problems with a ML>multinode environment or being told where to find the drop files... Apparently, with the directory (Adopt A Door, in this case) having something like ADOPT.CFG, as well as ADOPT1.CFG, ADOPT2.CFG, etc. SBBS apparently didn't like that. So, I think what I'm going to do for the single user doors is use just one configuration file, and put the dropfile in the door directory. For the multi-node doors, I'd put it in the node directory. ML>you can easily dress up the sbbs web interface... there's a few other themes ML>available as well as much of the interface stuff can be changed via ML>javascript... While I'd be curious to see those other themes, my HTML knowledge is very basic. I don't know the first thing about items like cascading style sheets, etc. To me, Javascript is instructions on how to make coffee. ML>of all the options, likes, wants and desires you listed, SBBS comes the clos I likely will go with SBBS, since I've set it up before. But, with other things outside the BBS, it's going to take longer than expected to get all the work done. Daryl --- þ OLX 1.53 þ Windows Vista7Up Virus: Renders 16-bit programs useless. --- Virtual Advanced Ver 2 for DOS * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS (1:19/33) .