Subj : Software Issues To : SHAWN HIGHFIELD From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jul 10 2015 08:10 pm Shawn, SH> I don't know VADV, but does it force you to use it's telnet server? The SH>reason I ask the new Gamesrv is bullet proof, I get thousands of attmempts SH>to login as root here and it keeps on trucking. It detects when someone connects to port 23. Since I have a matrix logon script set up, they get an "announcement screen" first, before they get to the matrix logon choices. Most times, they end up dropping the connection. With the telnet server, it usually happens when no one is online. Windows XP SP3 just gives a message that "the VADV32 Telnet Server has crashed". There have also been times when I missed the message, and when I move the mouse cursor over the VADV32 icon in the system tray, nothing happens. That's when I know it has crashed, and have to use the 3 finger salute (ctrl-alt-del) to completely stop it, and restart it. SH> I just configure it to answer and launch ezycom. (dos based) SH> Would save you having to learn an entire new project it it would work. I think I looked at GameSrv a long time ago; but at that time, it seemed just like a system for doors only. The 2 main reasons I quit using SBBS, and went to VADV were the flame wars in DoveNet, and I didn't care for its website interface. Lately, I've had other things outside the BBS (like my own health issues, and helping my elderly Mom with errands), that work on the BBS, let alone the other setup) has had to take a back seat of sorts. I've said this before, but being that the BBS is one of the last hobbies I can still do...and because my BBS is that last one in Arkansas, I'd rather not give it up. Daryl --- þ OLX 1.53 þ Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. --- Virtual Advanced Ver 2 for DOS * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS (1:19/33) .