Subj : Re: Mystic BBS v1.11 Alpha 1 RELEASED To : Alan Ianson From : Paul Hayton Date : Tue Oct 20 2015 08:32 am On 10/19/15, Alan Ianson pondered and said... AI> Bjorn mentioned something about removing the mystic echo becuase he AI> thought it was a gated newsgroup. I think it was in the fidonews echo. I AI> told him it was not and a few others also chimed in to let him know that AI> as well. Hi Alan. The echoarea is gated by me to alt.bbs.mystic and has been for a number of months now. I set the bi-directional gate in motion with the knowledge of and blessing of both Nick and James (MYSTIC moderators). It was set up to allow those on either side of the Usenet/Fidonet spectrum to be able to engage with each other and access the support of the author. I had seen requests for help in the Usenet newsgroup go unanswered previously. If you have access to FN_SYSOP head back to mid August of this year and re-read the thread 'Why I hate Usenet Gateing' and that will outline the concerns/views raised by several. It also shows the steps I took to ally/accomodate most of them. e.g. adjusted kludge settings on the gateway software, nodelisted the gatway address. In sum, the views of a few were that anything coming from Usenet into Fido should be viewed as spam and a cheap method for generating traffic/activity in the echoarea. My view is that if the dialouge is on topic and there are those who want to engage with other like minded souls on a area of interest then I see no issue with providing a conduit (managed as well as it can be in terms of spam filters etc.) to allow folks to connect. The CBM and RBERRYPI echoareas are the other two that I gate in the same manner. Hope this helps explain things for those who were unaware. In any regard when I started the gateway in MYSTIC I announced it at the time and what little spam has come across from the Usenet side in the form of bot BBS adverts posted monthly has (for the most part) been stopped at the gate :) It's not 100% full proof but I remain proactive to ensuring it's on-topic stuff the gate allows through. Best, Paul --- Mystic BBS v1.11 A2 (Windows) * Origin: Agency BBS | telnet:// (3:770/100) .