Subj : Sorry To : James Coyle From : ROBERT WOLFE Date : Sat Nov 14 2015 05:49 pm -> Sorry about the alias there. I tend to post in one message base and and the -> copy the message into many bases across several networks. I forgot to set i -> to real name for this base. -> Apologies to the mods. -> The good news is I think I'll just code Mystic to do it for me automatically -> so it never happens again. ;) Heh, no problem, James. I am sure Sean will forgive you :) .... Gender: ___ Male ___ Female _X_ Wraeththu --- Wildcat! v7.0.454.4 (Nov 28 2012), Editor Mod v1.7 * Origin: Omicron Theta | Memphis, TN | (1:116/18) .