Subj : WWIV 5.0 Release + News. To : Mark Hofmann From : Leslie Given Date : Wed Dec 23 2015 06:30 pm 20 Dec 15 17:04, you wrote to all: MH> WWIV 5.0 Installation and Docs: Just letting you know that I did follow the above instructions, it worked. :) -=< Global Q-Scan Done >=- < General Q-Scan Done > WWIV v5.00 Main Menu Message CenterMiscellaneousE-Mail N> New Msgs, All Subs A> Auto-Message E> E-mail User P> Post a Message B> BBS List M> Read E-mail R> Remove a message C> Chat with Sysop F> Send Feedback S> Scan Current Msg Base I> System Information K> Kill Sent E-mail Z> Scan All Subs Non-Stop L> Last Caller List #> Enter Number of Sub O> Log Off System Features J> Join Conference U or ~ > User List D> Change Your Defaults *> List Subs Available V> Voting Booth G> Read General Files >, ] or +> Advance 1 Sub X> Toggle Xpert Mode T> Transfer Section <, [ or -> Retreat 1 Sub Y> Your Information .> On-Line Programs }> Advance 1 Conference CTRL Y> Toggle Pause $> Use Time Bank {> Retreat 1 Conference H> Hop to Another Sub W> WWIV Slash Menu Ctrl T> Time left On-Line Time Left: 7 minutes Conference: General [1] [General]:O Time on = 00:03:24 This is logoff.msg. Edit to suit your needs. Connection Closed to @ 6:54 pm --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20150715 * Origin: flupH - (1:275/91) .