Subj : WWIV 5.0 Release + News. To : Mark Hofmann From : mark lewis Date : Wed Jan 06 2016 09:12 pm 06 Jan 16 11:56, you wrote to Darryl Perry: MH> Asking about plans for porting the network software to Linux - but some MH> issues surround that due to Wayne Bell not allowing the nework software to MH> be open source. There have been plans for a total re-write to get around MH> this. reverse engineering the protocol should be no problem in this day in time... especially with the ability to capture the entire session in a pcap file for analysis... once the protocol is understood, a new binary can easily be written... but then again, you could dump all the old stuff and come up with a whole new protocol... IIRC, WWIV's message stuffs were originally very close to usenet news type stuffs... perhaps it is simply the IHAVE/SENDME stuff from yesteryear? again, a pcap will tell all ;) )\/(ark .... The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .