Subj : TBBS To : Nick Andre From : Darryl Perry Date : Tue May 10 2016 08:15 am On 05/09/16, Nick Andre said the following... NA> In case anyone is curious, although the fansite is still NA> running, it is notorious for going off-line randomly, for sometimes NA> months at a time. NA> NA> I have archived all of the files from that site, including full NA> installations of TBBS, TIMS, Flame, etc. NA> NA> TBBS at one time was "the" software for running a commercial BBS; and NA> was only one of two packages I know of, that internally multi-tasked up NA> to 96 nodes on a single computer without using a multi-tasking operating NA> system. The other I think was MajorBBS/Worldgroup? Sean am I right? I think you are right about that. Galacticomm and eSoft were major competitors. I remember an issue of BoardWatch that featured a whole article about a speed test that Phil Becker conducted between eSoft's TBBS and Galacticomm's MajorBBS. They tested a full 96 nodes of each and found that TBBS outshined MBBS. "No matter where you go, there you are!" - Buckaroo Bonzai --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A13 (Raspberry Pi) * Origin: Cyberia BBS | Cyberia.Darktech.Org | Kingwood, TX (1:106/324) .