Subj : Re: BBS software for Win To : Allen Prunty From : RUBEN FIGUEROA Date : Tue May 10 2016 08:19 am -> BG> Other than Sychronet BBS, EleBBS/EleWeb, and VADV, is there any other -> BG> BBS software for Windoze that has the capabilities of both? Than -> BG> includes both telnet and web access, message bases, online games, and -> BG> file transfer capabilities? -> You forget WinServer... which was pretty much built for the web. Lot of negative can be spoken about WinServer, the cost, the support for the bbs dos version, etc. But as a WebServer it is fantastic and is well supported and has been developed well over the years. I use as my main web server and I still run the bbs even though that portion has not been supported in years or any kind of update or development. I bought the community version which was a two node system and have over time purchased up to 12 nodes. That initial cost was around 200.00, I was retired and had the money to invest. No regrets. I do regret spending so much on the annual subscription to get updates, but then again the web portion actively being developed. However as of late, it has slowed down to a crawl. But the WinServer web is strong also and very flexible in configuration. My .02, hopefully I am not to bashed in the head to much. --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013) .