Subj : Re: Favorite BBS software To : Eric Oulashin From : Allen Prunty Date : Thu May 12 2016 01:03 am On May 11, 2016 08:24pm, Eric Oulashin wrote to Sean Dennis: EO> Yeah, I agree there. I still enjoy my BBS running Synchronet, so I'll EO> probably continue with Synchronet for the time being. The most comfortable system I encountered was when I was in High School in my Freshman year I got an afterschool job with a company called D.I.S.K. (Digital Information System of Kentucky). It was an old Dec PDP11 machine had tons of games and Louisville's first publically accessable usenet and the early form of internet e-mail with !bang addresses. Looked much like this I went in afterschool did homework and answered all the console bells and alarms that went off. It took about 64 callers at a time and occasionally I would get a customer call and yell at me because they got booted off and couln't get back on and wanted a credit becuase they didn't get to finish their whatever they were doing at the time. That's what the old machine looked like and yes when homework was done I played the space invaders... there was an old game called DECWars that was kind of like a starwars / tradewars kind of game that people played against each other. And ASCII Checkers... those were the days. A long time ago, on a node far, far away (from ucbvax) a great Adventure (game?) took place... XXXXX XXXXXX XXXX X X XX XXXXX XXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXX X X X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X XX X XXXXXX XXXXX X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XXXXX XXXXXX XXXX X X X X X X XXXX X And I had my little BBS at home that could not compare. DISK was located in a little small shopping strip next to a phone company office building. There was a massive cable that literally stretched between the buildings and people actually paid $5.00 an hour to connect to that thing. Allen .... Buckle up; it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of the car. --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: Derby City LiveWire - Louisville, KY - livewirebbs.dy (1:2320/100) .