Subj : NETMGRd Netmail Utility - Thank you !!!t To : Alan Ianson From : Allen Prunty Date : Thu May 12 2016 01:55 pm -> On 05/12/16, Allen Prunty said the following... -> No problem. My BBS is also newly returned so for the last year I have been -> digging around the web trying to put it back that way it was. There was a -> time when I needed to use netmgr every day for different reasons so I know it -> can come in handy. I'm just glad my post caught your eye... some were nasty because I cross posted... but I knew what I needed just couldn't remember what I needed wasn't sure if it was part of fastecho, squish, or gecho but I knew it was out there. I knew the help I needed wouldn't come from the Wildcat crew... but somehow it fell in your lap and I am thankful! Us old sysops need to stick together. Allen --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: Derby City LiveWire - Louisville, KY - livewirebbs.dy (1:2320/100) .