Subj : Macintosh echo To : Sean Dennis From : Shawn Highfield Date : Tue Jun 21 2016 06:59 am Sean Dennis wrote in a message to Shawn Highfield: SD> I live in a 31-year-old motorhome that has working A/C thankfully... Insulated well for winter I hope? I know in spring / fall we go through a whole pile of propane to keep the trailer warm. Furnace doesn't stop. Our trailer is 1992, but one wall was replaced and it's probably not as tight as it was from the factory. We just renovated it a bit by removing the small futon and putting in a new better one from IKEA. ;) Shawn .... Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough. --- * Origin: Tiny's Trailer (1:229/452.1) .