Subj : yes, i did the unthin To : Shawn Highfield From : Darryl Perry Date : Wed Jul 27 2016 08:09 am On 07/27/16, Shawn Highfield said the following... SH> -=> Quoting Robert Wolfe to Tiny <=- SH> SH> RW> You referring to NOOBS, Raspbian or both? :) SH> SH> I didn't realize noobs was a distro of linux. ;) So I was referring to SH> Raspbian. Ordering up another couple of pi's this morning one for SH> Andrea to replace an aging failing laptop, and one for her friends SH> living room to watch tv shows on. NOOBs is actually a collection of different linux distros. One of those that is included in the distro is Raspian. I don't know what version of raspian it is tho. It also include, from what I remember, Arch linux, Pidora, and some other things like OSMC or RISCOS. "No matter where you go, there you are!" - Buckaroo Bonzai --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A30 (Raspberry Pi) * Origin: Cyberia BBS | Cyberia.Darktech.Org | Kingwood, TX (1:106/324) .