Subj : Current Software Efforts To : Steven Sheeley From : Robert Wolfe Date : Thu Oct 13 2016 09:16 am -> NA> If you are resurrecting Trapgate, let me know if you need any hel -> NA> would be interested in some of the mailer routines from D'Bridge. -> -> I've not yet looked at Trapgate. Either one will have to be -> converted from a -> Delphi Project into Lazarus. I've got the source code for both Taurus -> Trapgate, just not sure which one is better, although Trapgate has ne -> source. I use TrapGate from time to time on my main BBS when Internet Rex chokes when connecting to my Fido uplink. As far as converting from a Delphi project to a Lazarus one, that should not be too terribly difficult to do. --- ViaMAIL!/WC v2.00 * Origin: Neptune's Lair II þ Memphis TN þ (1:261/20) .