Subj : SIMNET - Get dial-up access numbers for you telnet BBS To : All From : Sampsa Laine Date : Sun Dec 04 2016 03:42 am What the hell is SIMNET? Basically we're trying to give as many telnet BBSes as many dial-up numbers around the world and POSSIBLY packet radio access as well. At the moment we have five operational dial-up numbers, 3 in the US, my GSM (V.32 basically) modem in Finland and finally an access point in Romania. If you want your BBS listed as a destination node the simply send an email to with the subject "SIMNET Node Application" and the contents in the following format: || If you happen to have a spare landline and modem lying around and would like to join us in providing access points, please contact me at as well. You can find more details at Cheers, Sampsa .... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader! --- MultiMail/Darwin v0.49 * Origin: B4BBS = London = (2:250/7) .