Subj : Re: No ads plz To : Sean Dennis From : Daryl Stout Date : Mon May 08 2017 08:03 am Sean, SD@> Sure thing, it happens. The only reason why I'm picky is because I'm SD@> also the BBS_ADS moderator. ;) Post all you want in there. Rank has its privileges...especially when one's the Sysop and Moderator. SD@> How's things going with your BBS setup? I have been so busy with work SD@> that I've sadly sorta neglected my BBS for the time being. I'll be away from mine for several days. I'm going in for prostate surgery in the morning, and will spend the night at my Mom's place, before coming home hopefully no later than early severe weather is supposed to affect my area Thursday into Friday. At least a nice Mother's Day Weekend is ahead. Daryl .... <------------- The information went data way -----------------> --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50 --- Virtual Advanced Ver 2 for DOS * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS (1:19/33) .