Subj : EleBBS/OS2 To : mark lewis From : James Coyle Date : Fri Jun 23 2017 08:33 am ml> i move source code for several FPC projects via FTP all the time... i ml> push the sources over to the OS/2 box from a box where a repo is... i ml> compile and test on the OS/2 box... make changes and whathaveyou as I did consider this option and this may be what I will end up doing... But.. What client do you use on the OS/2 side? I wasn't able to find one that was reliable. It was either unreliable or so outdated that it didn't seem to play nice with a modern FTP server (like it didn't even support passive FTP). I was considering making my own FTP client and server using Mystic's FTP code just to move code over, but I never got around to doing it. Thanks for the feedback! --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A34 (Windows/32) * Origin: Sector 7 [Mystic BBS WHQ] (1:129/215) .