Subj : s3cmd To : All From : Sean Dennis Date : Sat Dec 02 2017 11:38 pm Hi everyone, Are any of you using Amazon S3 for backups? Specifically, I have questions about using s3cmd. It's working for backups but for some reason, s3cmd is ignoring my --exclude file and I'm trying to figure out why. The command line I'm using is: s3cmd sync -F --exclude-from=/opt/mbse/bin/s3backup.exclude /opt/mbse s3:// So here's s3backup.exclude: /opt/mbse/Desktop /opt/mbse/Documents /opt/mbse/Downloads /opt/mbse/Pictures /opt/mbse/Public /opt/mbse/Templates /opt/mbse/Videos /opt/mbse/.* /opt/mbse/temp /opt/mbse/tmp (Yes, I do occasionally use Xfce under my BBS admin account for various things.) If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. I've poured over the docs and I'm missing something but I don't know what. Thanks, Sean .... WinErr 014: Keyboard locked - Try anything you can think of. --- MultiMail/Linux * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200) .