Subj : A new project To : Andrew Haworth From : Sean Dennis Date : Mon May 07 2018 06:59 am Hello Andrew, 06 May 18 21:55 at you wrote to Robert Wolfe: AH> I'm doing something similar using a python script. I'm using a python AH> module that interacts with the Open Weather API and it makes it very AH> simple to pull down weather info. I have a cron job that generates the AH> text file from the script. Somewhere around here someone wrote a nice little script in something (I suspect Python) that pulled info out of a RSS feed and converted it to text. I'd known about the expect program for Tcl but had never worked with it. It was the interesting use of sed (and its "in-place" capability) that I had to dig for. My user is happy with it and that's good enough for me. I do a lot of other small jobs with bash scripts and such. It's fun for me to do. I got into doing batch files, specifically REXX scripts, when I ran OS/2. With Linux, bash, and other bundled programs, there's always something I can whip up to make my sysoping life easier. I even wrote one of my doors as a bash script as a "proof of concept" to myself. Not a huge deal but it was fun researching how to do it. Later, Sean .... When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem. --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200) .