Subj : Why I don't like sysops To : SEAN DENNIS From : Daryl Stout Date : Wed Apr 03 2019 12:45 pm Sean, SD>Instead of contacting me about any issues, he does this. I wonder if Al SD>realizes that unlike him, the rest of us have lives and treat this as a SD>hobby? Or like ham radio...we think it's an obsession . It's like, do you [Sysop/Ham Radio Operator] take this [BBS/Ham Radio Rig] to be your lawfully wedded spouse?? Plus, the Sysop may have other things in his life outside the BBS or ham radio right now, such as family or medical issues. Sean, I know you and I have both, as we share the fact that we're hams and Sysops. :) By the way, Tim Grooms is also a ham and a Sysop. SD>Oh, I don't care if anyone hates me. I've been doing this for the better pa SD>of a quarter-century and people like Al here come and go like turds in a SD>toilet. ;) Sort of like the truck with the business name of "Turd Burglar", and it's motto was "I'm here to steal your $h!+". Besides, Sean...if you're the moderator of the echo, you have the right to say what stays and what goes. If the Sysops don't like it, they can drop the echo from their BBS. Daryl === þ OLX 1.53 þ Weatherman: "Front coming in"; I guess rear going out. --- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32 * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) .