Subj : Re: Why I don't like sysops To : Al Derosa From : Nick Andre Date : Wed Apr 03 2019 06:39 pm On 02 Apr 19 18:37:12, Al Derosa said the following to Sean Dennis: AD> You have been flaming me all afternoon in email and on the Networks. Like I AD> said in my final email to you, move on dude.. You don't like sysOp's no one AD> likes you. Get over it.. I have been doing this stuff off and on since 1986 Ahhhh c'mon... lets put this way. Noawadays, when new users who call my BBS elect to ues the "Page Sysop" feature, I break into chat and I'm accused of being a bot. I'm not real. What can I do to prove I am real? Aside from confessing my self-grooming habits? Am I not a friendly Sysop? With the ALT+F fake line noise and randomly changing users's LORD status or running the Tradewars maintenance program so the Ferrengi destroys the top player's trading corporation? Nick --- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426) .