Subj : Re: Why I don't like syso To : NICK ANDRE From : Daryl Stout Date : Sat Apr 06 2019 11:43 am Nick, NA>DS> I heard on one BBS, a user got in a chat with The Guru, and NA>DS> thought they were talking to The Sysop!! NA>LOL. As the late P.T. Barnum noted, "There's a sucker born every minute". The Sysop had so fine tuned the guru file, that for over an hour, the user thought he was actually typing at the Sysop...who was laughing his butt off!! NA>I *loved* that BBS door which was a port of the "Lisa" Q&A program written i NA>BASIC. I have the "Lisa" door on the BBS. Daryl === þ OLX 1.53 þ If you put root beer in a square mug, is it now beer?? --- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32 * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) .