Subj : Re: NTVDM project update To : mike ehlert From : Shane O'Neill Date : Sun Mar 29 2020 10:59 pm On 08 Mar 2020, mike ehlert said the following... me> I have released a new version of NetFoss64 for Windows x64. NF64 beta me> 0.03 runs noticeably faster then previous versions, and it now supports me> the classic NF.BAT style of a loader batch file. Previous betas required me> NetCom to be installed first due to issues in earlier versions of me> NTVDMx64, as well as requiring door batch files to be compiled into .com me> files, but thanks to Leecher fixing the reported issues in the previous me> NTVDMx64 builds NetFoss64 is now far simpler to configure. Mike I just got caught up on this topic and sounds great! I am so wanting to get off Win 32bit and move my Mystic to Win 64bit but I didn't want to loose all my Infocomm doors. I will have to look into this now for win 64bit. Will Doorway and the changes you worked on back in early fall of 2019 for the Infocomm games I was having display issues with work under Win 64bit going forward? --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/02 (Windows/32) * Origin: 8-Bit Boyz BBS! -=[ port:6502 ]=- (1:305/3) .