Subj : Question for telnet/BBS gurus. To : Mark Hofmann From : Deon George Date : Thu Jun 18 2020 03:27 pm Re: Question for telnet/BBS gurus. By: Mark Hofmann to All on Wed Jun 17 2020 06:04 pm MH> Have a question for the telnet gurus out there. Trying to get to the MH> bottom of why file transfers (using any serial based protocol) don't work MH> on my OS/2 SIO based BBS nodes via a double telnet. It would probably be because one of the (telnet) streams (or both), are not put into "binary mode" - and thus the telnet client or server is interpreting some of the binary chars that would be sent. As per the wikipedia: "Another difference between Telnet and other TCP terminal clients is that Telnet is not 8-bit clean by default. 8-bit mode may be negotiated, but octets with the high bit set may be garbled until this mode is requested, as 7 bit is the default mode." ....лоеп .... Where there's a will, there's a lawsuit. --- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509) .