Subj : Re: Question for telnet/BBS gurus. To : Rob Swindell From : Deon George Date : Tue Jun 23 2020 01:13 pm Re: Re: Question for telnet/BBS gurus. By: Rob Swindell to Deon George on Mon Jun 22 2020 07:32 pm RS> Telnet binary mode has to do with the translation of received CR/LF and RS> CR/NUL pairs to a single carriage-return character (0x0D) and nothing to RS> do with the Telnet IAC character (0xFF) which must always be escaped and RS> parsed correctly, always, binary mode or not. But isnt in telnet binary mode, 0xFF needs to be received twice consectively before the other end should interpret what should follow? I must admit I havent read the finer details of how things are parsed when in it goes in this mode - but I assumed this mode assisted binary file transfers that are likely to have those special control chars that would normally be intepreted as IAC commands. ....лоеп .... Help a swallow land at Capistrano. --- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509) .