Subj : DOStelnet u/l's by zmodem To : Jon Watson From : mark lewis Date : Thu Oct 14 2004 11:28 am h>> JW> What am I missing here? I can count about 5 DOS h>> JW> telnet programs right off top of my head that h>> JW> have ZModem Ul/Dl capability. h>> h>> something about 16 bit blah blah.. i use mtel, which h>> is win32. maybe i'm exempt. either way, i remember h>> being able to do it while i still had win98. JW> Yeah..shrug...I don't see the big deal here. As I posted JW> elsewhere, I remember UL/DL with Zmodem long before I JW> ever owned a copy of any version of Windows. but you didn't use them as your telnet terminal... JW> think a 386sx 25 with a 1200baud modem was the first JW> term box I ever used... now, take that box with DOS 6.22 on it and put the TCP/IP networking stack on it... that networking stack will likely use either a network card or the modem for the connection just like we see now... now, on that pure DOS box with TCP/IP networking, what do you use to telnet with? )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .