Subj : DOStelnet u/l's by zmodem To : Jon Watson From : Nancy Backus Date : Thu Oct 14 2004 11:46 pm -=> Quoting Jon Watson to Haliphax on 10-13-04 21:57 <=- JW> Yeah..shrug...I don't see the big deal here. As I posted elsewhere, I JW> remember JW> UL/DL with Zmodem long before I ever owned a copy of any version of JW> Windows. think a 386sx 25 with a 1200baud modem was the first term box JW> I ever used...well, it you don't count the Commodore 64 with the JW> acoustic coupler modem running at 300 baud in 1985 :) Well, yes. Before telnet, I was able to do zmodem transfers both ways no problem. That was dial-up, and yes, pure DOS... I STILL am not using any form of Windows for my bbsing, and now have to do it all via telnet. It was the *combination* of factors - purely DOS, telnet, and zmodem uploads - that no longer worked. With the new TNPORT to connect Conex to the bbs, I now AM able to again* do zmodem uploads, in telnet, like I used to do all the time for dial-up. ttyl neb .... Terror is your favorite program moving to a Windows only environment! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d * Origin: Chowdanet (401-331-0615) telnet:// (1:323/120) .