Subj : Re: FTN Packet File Structure? To : Jon Watson From : Sean Dennis Date : Fri Oct 15 2004 12:49 pm --> Quoting Jon Watson from a message to sean dennis <-- JW> Wicked, thanks Sean. I've stumbled (with a little help from Mark) JW> onto the FTS and FSC docs but I'm having trouble figuring out the JW> message structure. No problem. I have the entire SWAG archive here-it's about 10MB compressed, but it's a godsend when you're programming. I don't know if you know Pascal or not (seems like you do), but it's great to have. Even comes with its own reader program. JW> Is this the way it's supposed to be? Seems kinda laisse faire (no, I JW> can't spell that). Your spelling looks good to me. About the parsing of the AREA: keyword-to be honest, I know very, very little about it. I've never yet figured out how to work with the .PKT format, but I may soon so I can write my own message stuff. I'd assume that there's people in here that could help more than I could (Mark Lewis comes to mind, so does Deuce [Stephen Hurd]). Good luck with it and if you need any more stuff, please feel free to ask. :) Later, Sean --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Outpost BBS - (1:18/200) .