Subj : Pure DOS TelNet ZMoDem To : Bo Simonsen From : Stephen Hurd Date : Sat Oct 16 2004 09:58 pm Re: Pure DOS TelNet ZMoDem By: Bo Simonsen to Stephen Hurd on Fri Oct 15 2004 23:32:21 > SH> Because XModem and YModem both send a block, wait for confirmation, > SH> rinse and repeat... this means that (for XModem) every 128 bytes > SH> requires a round trip to be completed before the next 128 bytes are > SH> sent... > > Yes but it's doesn't make them more optimized for modems than for telnet.. : > Or does it? It most definately does... XModem *will not* send the next 128 bytes util the previous 128 bytes have bee nrecieved by the remote system AND the remote system has replied saying it has recieved them. If you pink the other host for example, you get the round trip time... My round trip time to is currently 645.339 ms. That is the time between EVERY 128 bytes in an XModem transfer... so say I want to transfer a 5k file... 5*1024 = 5120 5120/128 = 40 40 * .645339 = 25.8 This means that 25.8 seconds will pass while my vert is just sitting there waiting for my system to acknoledge the previous 128 bytes... 5k can be transferred by both systems in under 1 second. --- SBBSecho 2.10-FreeBSD * Origin: FreeBSD Synchronet - telnet:// (1:140/17) .