Subj : Re: DOStelnet u/l's by zm To : Mark Lewis From : Nancy Backus Date : Tue Oct 19 2004 12:16 am -=> Quoting Mark Lewis to Nancy Backus on 10-17-04 11:14 <=- ML> we could always ID by info in your user record and set a new password ML> for you... i have no way of finding out what someone's password is ML> unless they tell me... they are not stored in the userbase for security ML> reasons ;) Makes sense... of a sort... NB> as I recall I came over once to look around, but probably NB> only the one time or so... :) ML> three visits according to the user record ;) Ok, that sounds reasonably accurate... It was long enough ago that I didn't remember exactly, just that it wasn't much... :) NB> But I found my password, and you are still in my telnet NB> "dialing" stack, so it's still workable... ;) ML> cool... drop me a note when you get by so i'll know you were by ;) Ok, I'll try to... :) ttyl neb .... Confucius say: Question anything that starts "Obviously". ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d * Origin: Chowdanet (401-331-0615) telnet:// (1:323/120) .