Subj : SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE To : Rob Swindell From : Michel Samson Date : Tue Oct 19 2004 05:07 am Hi Rob, [Replying to a post which didn't distribute fully...] About "Pure DOS TelNet ZMoDem" of October 16: RS> Have you setup gkermit... MS> ...i wonder if you will agree to remove all mentions relative to me MS> on `SynchroNet's ~WEB~ site... makes more sense to just point MS> at the UpDate: RS> Sure, no problem. Unfortunatley, this .INI file is not a "drop-in" RS> replacement for the kermit.ini I've provided for Synchronet sysops. It appears you got much more than just a Drop-In Replacement issue: __________________________________________________[ `Kermit.TXT v1.5' ]_ RS> These instructions are specifically not authorized, approved, RS} condoned, or verified by Michel Samson, the self-appointed Kermit RS} expert and evangelist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This single sentence is flawed, just like the rest. The person who could request action regarding Winston Smith is Winston Smith himself so i have to wonder: did he ask not to be associated with this SABOTAGE as well?! As for being a `Kermit' expert, i wouldn't impose myself as some "Fluff" expert OVER NIGHT, i wouldn't need to advertise my feelings on a ~WEB~ site kept under my exclusive CONTROL... nor would i let a hurd of no-names stand behind and shout! Here, being "Self-Appointed" means i'm choosing my own challenges; any authority over a `Kermit' install topic is given to me by those who appreciate that my promotion of `Kermit' has involved no less than eight SysOps, at a rate of about 1.3 SysOp a year. Regarding your "Evangelist" token, some readers might ask who's who in the long run! You're favourite game is "break the toys of others" so my quote below, from `Kermit.UPD', "GENERAL SETUP" (26.2), euh... would sound quite appropriate at this time: "Kermit commands appearing in the BBS's MSKERMIT.INI file might be..." - yes, read MIGHT as in OPTIONAL or SUGGESTED - why keep refering to it, euh... almost "religiously" then?! MS> ...incompatible with Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows'... RS> ...this point is moot. "transfer recovery" is possible. What's "moot" is your decision not to take into account suggestions such as the following which comes from `Kermit.UPD' (same 26.2 section): The BBS software should invoke MS-DOS Kermit with "command- line arguments", i.e. commands to be executed, given on the same line... If you need to issue more commands than will fit on the command line, simply collect them into a file, and then --> invoke Kermit with a TAKE command... Communication parameters --> should be given on the Kermit command line for each session, along with the file transfer commands. Real Kermit... ...can be configured automatically by the BBS software provided the caller has "set terminal apc on" to enable this feature. The BBS software can then set the optimal file transfer parameters in calling Kermit program, and also initiate up- and downloads automatically. Read section 10, THE APC ESCAPE SEQUENCE... `Kermit' as installed on `SBBS/W32' is real SABOTAGE; `Kermit.UPD' shows macro examples in this very same passage (26.2) and yet i've never seen any macro in your own .INI setup versions, which is coherent with a lack of experience - and objectivity - to say the least! :( Your over- simplified setup makes it COMPLICATED to create any `Kermit.INI' Drop-In Replacement which would render `Kermit' as "straightforward" as `ZMoDem' otherwise - and it makes the *1* `Win-16/32' FreeWare client USELESS!... ^^^^^^^^ That's only a sample of what you chose to ignore, i have a few more features waiting. Oh, by the way... I meant D/L Recovery for *BBSers*! Self-centered SysOps would wait long enough for the fog to clear up and remind themselves that no users will be left to argue, eventually... In the meantime, even if BBSers living in remote locations can hope for High-Speed INet access, someday, i have to warn against `Kermit.INI' since it imposes your own preference ("Send" vs "ReSend") and `WWKfW-16/ 32' is made to hang the session! This situation lasted for over a year, who did this SABOTAGE serve, exactly?... Yes, our whole lives are moot, but BBSers must be FREE to evaluate `Kermit' for their own, nonetheless. MS> Character Translation which makes it possible to use ~ASCII~ UpLoad MS> for pre-writen text from a foreign environment isn't available. RS> Perhaps we have different definitions of "ASCII Upload", but my RS> definition is just raw ASCII, terminated by a Ctrl-Z char usually. I'd call it ~ASCII~ UpLoad on *ONE* side only, obviously. I repeat the request that you remove my name from your ~WEB~ site including here: ________________________________________________________________________ ->*checkout*/docs/kermit.txt ->*checkout*/exec/kermit.ini -> -> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition, my late revision built from what you rejected is here: --> Should you ever come to care to open the door to long-term projects (like to include Bidirectional Drop-File support, `DSZLog' compatibility being one way to allow cps statistics, for example), euh... you'd adopt my well-planed `MSK.INI' approach sooner or later so it just makes sense to add this other link too (no comment required, it's SELF-DOCUMENTARY): --> --> (284 Kb) Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... `MS-DOS v7.10a'+`LSPPP v0.8'+`RLFossil v1.23'+`MS-Kermit v3.15 Med.' ___ MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Trying to make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000) .