Subj : SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE To : ROB SWINDELL From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Wed Oct 20 2004 12:35 am Hi Rob, About "SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE" of October 19: MS> will agree to remove all mentions relative to me... RS> Sure, no problem. MS> It appears you got much more than just a Drop-In Replacement issue: MS> `Kermit.TXT v1.5' "...Samson, the self-appointed Kermit expert MS> and evangelist". The person who could request action regarding MS> Winston Smith is Winston Smith himself so i have to wonder: MS> did he ask not to be associated with this SABOTAGE as well?! RS> The sentence you quoted has nothing to do with Winston Smith. Are you sure? Check what you'll find simply by feeding Google with this: "kermit.txt". Don't tell me your memory just failed! Or is it possible you don't understand plain English, or maybe it's just bad faith?!! Lets point at what the quote from above really means. BEFORE __________________________________________________[ `Kermit.TXT v1.2' ]_ RS> If you or your BBS users find Kermit support useful, you can thank RS} Michel Samson and Winston Smith for their promotion of Kermit and RS> help with testing Kermit support in Synchronet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AFTER __________________________________________________[ `Kermit.TXT v1.5' ]_ RS> These instructions are specifically not authorized, approved, RS} condoned, or verified by Michel Samson, the self-appointed Kermit RS} expert and evangelist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Were you so upset you couldn't care less about what you had cut and what it was replaced with? You're a bad looser and you prefer to ignore anything comming from me because your LOOSE `Kermit' install makes holes in the `SynchroNet/W32' BBSes which is as big as the Grand Canyon! Yes, we do agree on the victim... but not on who's temper has made him such! RS> Why are you bringing any innocent bystander into this? The question is WHY DID YOU and i know the answer all too well: it was too tempting to remove it all and replace this text with your venom! MS> Regarding your "Evangelist" token... `Kermit.UPD'... ...(26.2)... RS> You don't need to teach me how to read a document. If anyone "keeps RS> referring" to things "religiously", it's you, you weirdo. Hummm... What juvenile game is it, the game of "i said it first"?! RS> ...Michel will think I don't know what I'm doing!!! I know what you've been doing for over a year, actually: SABOTAGE. MS> Your over-simplified setup makes it COMPLICATED... makes the MS> *1* `Win-16/32' FreeWare client USELESS!... RS> I'll have to download this client and test for my self someday. Please, spare me the need to count how many times i wrote about it! RS> ...HyperTerminal (FreeWare), and Kermit-95 works just fine. State your claim in cps terms and we'll see what "just fine" means! RS> Self-centered SysOps would wait long enough for the fog to clear... RS> blah blah blah I know you have that much to say about the subject, which is why my numerous mentions about Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows' finally get your alledged attention, euh... something like fourteen months later!!! RS> have 2 different command-lines for SEND and RESEND (yuck). The SysOp gets much more than that as an extra, he also finds a way which is meant to help him in debugging `Kernmit' locally, etc., etc. I suggest a PRE-EMPTIVE setup which leaves this CHOICE to SysOps... Yours is one of a control freak and the SysOps must search for help elsewhere! RS> ...point out the exact items... Otherwise, leave me alone. Let me remind you that YOU are the one who made contact with me and i clearly stated that your intervention wasn't welcome. You insisted by trying to move the discussion in the `SynchroNet SysOps' area where your disciples were waiting to take over and obscure the `Kermit' topic using more personal attacks - oh, and they like to believe they can attack 1st (as a hurd) while their target is expected to behave, like a victim! It seems you only retain the few words which lead to more controversy and i can't hope for all my explanations to be heard, LEAVE ME ALONE YOURSELF. Here are EXACT items: RS> Perhaps we have different definitions of "ASCII Upload"... MS> I'd call it ~ASCII~ UpLoad on *ONE* side only, obviously. RS> I have no idea what you mean. Which side only? There's no hope for you: you're quick to forget, slow to follow... MS> I repeat the request that you remove my name from your ~WEB~ site... RS> Your request has been noted. As i comment above: you claim to acknowledge but you'll ignore it. Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... Rob's SBBS/Kermit: spend spare-time just to prove he might be wrong -!- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Trying to make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL --- Mail-ennium/32 v2.0-beta-r1 * Origin: Mail-ennium/32 v2 Beta Coming Soon! (1:379/1200.0) .